Lal Masjid (Operation Silence) Tariq Ismail Sagar

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Pas-e-Parda Haqaiq Lal Masjid

Download or read online Urdu book "Pas-e-Parda Haqaiq Laal Masjid Operation Silence", composed by Tariq Ismail Sagar who is a famous Urdu author, essayist, writer, editorialist and current undertakings' master. This book is around a strike by Pak Army Jawans over a Mosque (Laal Masjid) inside the capital of Pakistan Islamabad on the grounds that the insiders of the said Masjid and Madrassa were charged to included in unlawful exercises. The Musharraf government named this operation as operation quiet. In this book Laal Masjid Operation Silence, the writer has uncovered some shrouded truths about this operation as the writer had been viewing the situation from its starting. The creator has condemned the Musharraf government, as indicated by the creator, Musharrad government did not permitted media to get to the genuine actualities. Don't miss to download this free Urdu book, Lal Masjid operation Silence for nothing.File size 47mb.We trust you will like the book and provide for us your input.


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