Bajang Amad By Col. Muhammad Khan

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Bajang Amad By Col. Muhammad Khan

Free Download or read online Urdu Funny book "Bajang Amad" composed  By Col. Muhammad Khan. This book  was one of the best I have ever perused in Urdu silliness, which I by and large appreciate a whole lot. The extent that I can remeber I read it no less than two and may be three times.its an auto-account of an armed force officer. Its constantly charming and moving to peruse about Pakistan armed force. The ragging they need to face and how they figure out how to snicker at the most troublesome of times, also making others like myself giggle with them, is incredible.this book helps me to remember the celebrated Pakistani dramatizations Alpha Bravo Charlie and Sunahre Din. Furthermore that is an alternate reason I like it so quite Pulled a dusk 'til dawn affair for this one, and completely worth the trouble  Col. Muhammad Khan fits in with my region of habitation and I can REALLY identify with his style of silliness so it was twofold the a good time for me. Lovely satire.Col. Muhammad Khan who battled 3 significant wars; in his book "Bajang-Amad" says that the in the first place, the most exceedingly terrible & the longest enduring impact of a war is the decimation of good, moral & social estimations of a general public consequently expanding robberies & wrongdoing rates to billions of times than in peace days. Passing of few hundreds or a huge number of fighters or regular people is nothing when you understand the real profound impacts of war on your general public.


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